° ° ° ° ° HYCLASS ° ° ° ° ° ° ° HYPERTEXTED LC CLASSIFICATION OF ° ° COMPUTER-RELATED MATERIAL ° °ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-° ° Hypertexted by Clifford Urr, MLS ° ° James Martin Associates ° ° Updated: 2/91 ° ° ° ° Hyclass Described ° ° ° Computer Hardware Computer Software Computer Systems ° ° Call # Index ° To begin using this program, you MUST know the following two commands: 1. To choose a highlighted file, tap DOWN or UP arrow key. 2 To jump to a file (of highlighted file name chosen), tap RIGHT arrow key. For more detailed information, however, tap F1 from any screen. (C) Copyright 1991 Clifford Urr